Companies Connected was involved in finding an importer and a distributor in the Serbian market for Finecto products, that are manufactured by DGW Pharma BV, and which are used to control red mites that are attacking chickens. We made a thorough search of the companies that were possible candidates, and our choice was Farmanima DOO. After our visit to the company, and speaking with the owner, Mr. Emil Lozance, we were certain that they are the perfect company for this job.
On Thursday, 26.11.2015, seminar about Finecto products, with more than 50 participants, took place in Belgrade. Farmanima DOO invited their business partners, veterinarians, and owners of big farms. Both owners of DGW Pharma, Mr. Domien Leemans, and Mr. Ko Lankhaar were present. Mr. Eric Ponsen invited to this meeting Agricultural Attache at Netherlands embassy, Mr. Maarten Wegen, who gladly accepted his invitation, and gave an opening word in this seminar about the cooperation between the Netherlands and Serbia, and the possibilities about how the two countries can grow their cooperation even more in agricultural areas. After this, Mr. Domien Leemans, one of the owners of DGW Pharma, gave a detailed presentation about what are the red mites, why insecticides are not effective in treating them, why Finecto products are the best solution for this problem, and what is the proper way to use them. After 3 hours, with a lot of questions that the participants had for Mr. Leemans, the seminar was finished with the lunch for all the guests.
Next day, Farmanima organized a demonstration in a farm outside of Belgrade, where all interested people could see in practice how Finecto spray is used.
In our gallery you can see the pictures both from the seminar and the demonstration.
We wish to our partners DGW Pharma and Farmanima a lot of success in the future period, and we hope that the Finecto products will find their place in the Serbian market, which they deserve